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Early Learning Centre

Information on our early learning centre.

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In our Early Centre young children will learn through play and enjoy being actively involved in their learning. This prepares them well for school. Staff will help children to learn by observing them at play, deciding when to leave them alone and when to join in. They will stretch children in their play by offering ideas, materials or vocabulary, by asking questions, by setting challenges and by helping, explaining, and showing how things can be done.  Staff will work with small groups of children on special aspects of learning, for example, to develop interest in books, to play games using shapes or to encourage children to use musical instruments.



Session Times in our Centre.

Newsletters - Early Learning Centre

Read all about what is happening in our Early Learning Centre in our Termly Newsletter

Early Learning Centre - Term Dates

Early Learning Centre Events

Helping your child prepare for our Early Learning Centre

What can you do to help your child?

Dressing for messy play and learning

What to wear to our Early Learning Centre

Taking children to and from Early Learning Centre

Collection arrangements in our centre.


How snack works in our Centre


What will happen if your child is unwell.

Working Together

How we work with others to meet the needs of all of our children.

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